Dr Mark Spence is a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist and co-founder of the Structural Heart Disease Programme at Belfast Health and Social Care Trust.
Dr Mark Spence graduated with honours in Medicine from Queens University in 1995. He became a Member of the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh) in 1998.
His special interest includes all aspects of interventional cardiology namely adult congenital, coronary and structural. As a consultant he has developed the adult congenital interventional programme, co-initiated a leading transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) programme and contributes to the complex coronary interventional programme.
Dr Spence trained in cardiology in Belfast and then completed subspecialty training in congenital heart disease as a fellow in the inaugural Adult Congenital Heart Disease programme at Guys & St Thomas’ and the Royal Brompton Hospital, London. He then completed a fellowship in interventional cardiology at The Royal Jubilee Hospital, British Columbia, Canada before taking up a consultant cardiology post in 2007 at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast Trust.
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kingsbridgeprivatehospital.comDr. Mark Spence
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Dr. Mark Spence
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